Tuesday, June 10, 2008

update on the resolutions...

  1. okay. doing good...making progress....learning new things....

#1 stay out of target....doing pretty good...only been ONCE in the month of may and june!!!
#2 haven't started the lesson plans yet.....lotsa summer left!
#3 grad school...putting that one off for now, i'll think about that a little bit later!
#4 sort and donate toys...this was a hard sell. i cleaned out THREE trash bags full of toys today.
and little mama found them, and started saving them. daddy and i tried to explain that we
are lucky to have lots of toys, so we are giving some to little kids who don't have any. nope.
didn't work....apparently, charity might start at home, but not with toddlers! we are still
giving them away! (and now everything fits in our various toy storage thingies!)
#5 clean out the closets...not yet.
#6 spend 30+ minutes outside each day...been doing really good with this one! we have been
playing outside alot (especially in the evening, or going swimming!)
#7 limit tv time. hmmmm...not yet. how do you think i have been getting the others done?
#8 sneaky-chefing....not happening. the boy and little mama are in the mood to try new things this month, so
its not needed at this point (growth spurt?)
#9 cook all the meals at home....really doing a lot better at this. we are eating at home, unless
it is truly planned (like we are spending the day at the mall, and chick-fil-a is a part of that)
#10 excercise daily. not the best at this, yet. i did mow the lawn tonight, and we have been
swimming alot, which is hard with two little ones. but, i am still trying.

oh, and i learned all about dry drowning (very scary...mommies and daddies take note. like we didn't have enough to worry about!!!! AND i learned how to use the weed-eater today. which explains the lawn, if you happen to drive by. that certainly wasn't husbands doing. he WAS a very patient teacher....and i think my struggle to learn amused him. thats okay. i am sure it was funny.

almost as funny as the HUGE bruise developing on my inner ankle as we speak. i dropped a frozen brisket on it. of all things. its already swollen and turning purple. husband was concerned i broke it. i don't think so....but it hurts like s#!t!!!!

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