Sunday, September 21, 2008

writers block

has that ever happened to you?
i mean, i will be in the most random places, and i will think, "wow, i am so going to blog about that." and i can start thinking of links, and pictures and on, and on.

and then like, three minutes goes by, and that thought has been replaced (or moved) by 20 more thoughts (like dinner, and picking up kids...etc.) and then POOF! gone. never to return.

and it bothers me. a lot. because later i sit down, and pull up my blog, and can't remember anything except that i had a really good/political/funny/interesting thing to discuss and then....NOTHING.

it is really frustrating. and as much as i would love to blame all this on pregnant head...let's face it. two kids (plus pregnant), a job, a husband, a house to run....are you kidding? those thoughts are never coming back. and i sometimes just feel lucky to still GET the random thoughts, those that are apart from my ever growing and ever updated mental to-do list.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


last week was a busy week. i know, no excuses, but still.

i started back to school with kids. not enough kids (only 39 students across three sections) but we still got started. what will happen to me, and my job, remains to be seen! maybe, no one in the big d district will notice, and i will get to stay in my fabulous situation. hope for me. or send in job leads!!!

other things have been happening in the past week. little mama started pre-school! she is so big. i didn't sleep for three nights prior to the big day! so, of course, all that stress was for nothing! she loves it. she loves her teacher. she loves her new friends (although she can't seem to remember any names!) she loves that they get to paint at school, and play outside. she loves her new "cool bed" for nap time. (its a cot!) i hear random details about mixed-up days at random times. but everything she tells me is good. some of the things i have learned about preschool:

first day!

"today we had red soup. it was just right and delicious. the put in goldfish crackers and i mixed it all up. i only made two new polka-nots on my dress!"

"miss b. says that if we get thumbs up, we did a good job. thumbs down is a bad job. i don't get tumbs down. some of the boys do."

"the girls bathroom is right by my room and the gym. the boys bathroom is on the other side. i went into the boys bathroom, but miss b. said it was no big deal. it looked like my bathroom but there were boys inside." (i have heard this about three times, so i think she was not pleased she went in the boys room on accident)

"i got to paint today. i got to paint today. i made a yellow picture of my house and my family and my friends. we got to paint on our table mommy!"

sooo, things seem to be going well up there. and the boy is adjusting to not having his sister around full time. he's not to thrilled to leave her some mornings.....

oh, and today was the first day of ballet lessons at her school. i will post the pic now, and try to get a movie of her new moves to post later tonight!

ready for our first day of ballet!