Wednesday, January 14, 2009

simply amazing....

ok. lets get this out in the open. svelte...skinny...petite...not words people would commonly use to describe me unless comparing me to say.....camryn manheim? anyways, i am not super-okay with that, but its the truth, and given my condition right now, there isn't a whole lot the be done about the shape i am in (round..haha) anyways. so its not like you'll be hurting my feelings over here.
anyways, i have never been one to "diet" all the time. southbeach? atkins? grapefruit four times a day? nope. not this one. i enjoy food that tastes good. and if thats an orange, a bannana, a turkey sandwhich, ok then. its all about moderation. and if every once in a while i eat a donut (ummmmm....krispy kreme......aaggggggg......oh, sorry!) or have a starbucks...or a hamburger...well, the world won't end. so there. but then i come across this article....

and i am just beside myself.
really, you need to read it. the problem for me is, once i start reading these kinds of things....i can't stop. and they really bother me.

here's a quote:

" Worst Burger: Chili’s Smokehouse Bacon Triple-The-Cheese Big Mouth Burger with Jalapeno Ranch Dressing2,040 calories150 g fat (53 g saturated)110 g protein4,900 mg sodium You know this burger's in trouble when it takes more than 20 syllables just to identify it. If you think the name’s a mouthful, just wait until the burger hits the table. You’ll be face-to-face with two-and-a-half days' worth of fat—a full third of which is saturated. To do that much damage with roasted sirloin, you’d have to eat about eight 6-ounce steaks. (It’s nearly three days’ worth of saturated fat.)"

the cuplrit

ok. again....a burger is fine. and i am all about personal responsiblitiy (elvis, oprah and my mom are all off the hook for my troubles!) BUT REALLY...should something like this even be on the market?!?!?!? i mean, 150 grams of the burger. and you know they serve it with fries. and ranch on the side....crazy.....

i get that our nation is getting too fat. believe me, i plan to do something about my personal contribution to this epidemic very soon. and yes, we (as a nation) eat out too much. but OMG this is crazy.....and if you think that is bad....just read the article all the way through...veggie subs, appetizers, kids meals.....arg. its enough to make you cook every night.
that's it....i am off to sams right now....gotta get ground turkey for our HOMEMADE tacos with beans for dinner.....
(see, at least i am trying.....)


B.O.L.T. said...

Be sure and get the 97 % fat free hamburger meat. Steak is healthier for you than chopped beef. White meat chicken is the most healthiest meat. Chicken tacos are pretty good.
Bottom line,, we are all responsible for our own actions. Or atleast it used to be that way but we as Americans are moving away from self responsibility and placing blame on others way to often. I believe people should be be able to put out products that consumers may want--you decide if you want it or not. If the answer is no--then leave it alone. But people should not blame their over weight on what they order from restaurants. I don't want others telling me I can't have something or do something just because it's out there on the market and they don't want it on the market because they may eat it and get fat. There are healthy choices to choose from at most restaurants--you decide what you want to eat, and let me decide what I want and I'll let others decide if they want to eat that stuff or not--it's called Freedom. Something we are to easily giving up these days.
It's good that we get these articles on food that is bad for us so we are better informed to make healthier decisions. But come on people,, like it said in the article,, you already pretty much know whats good and whats bad for you. If something is dripping in grease, fat, oil, cheese, bread, is processed, fried, rolling in processed noodles or called fast food---don't say you didn't know.
I believe I'll go have me a brat wurst before bed. 300 calories for one link and 25 grams of fat. And thats just the meat--nothing else. But--thank God I still have (for now)the freedom to eat what I want when I want it. That is till the liberals take it away.

B.O.L.T. said...

BTW--there is ground turkey out there that is higher in fat and calories than ground beef. Don't believe me? Look at the labels. You'll see plenty of it. They use dark meat ground turkey--not white meat and dark meat turkey or chicken is higher in fat than most beef. Live and Learn. Stay Cool.