Friday, April 17, 2009

work, work, work, work

well. things have changed at our household. i am now going to go back to work about six weeks sooner that i had wanted to, but such is life. so if you thought i stank at posting before....well, you haven't seen anything yet! i am thinking that the blog may be on hiatus until at least june....but don't worry, i will need it to keep myself sane when i am home with all three kids, all summer!

and, about the worrywort post....
1) i am neurotic, and i don't sleep a lot (not just b/c of the kids) so worrying is in my nature...
2) i left off worries about money, private/public school and current events
3) i really am ok....this is normal for me (i had a couple folks worry i might be falling into a postpartum type of issue....don't worry about me, i know when i am struggling and need help! but thanks for is nice to be cared for!)

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