i bet no one even reads (or checks) this lil' blog, since i've been so remiss.
for that i apologize....
so latley....much has happened. hence, no blogging time!
i'll date back to christmas! (how sad is that!)
december-great family time! did the crazy family marathon....saw everyone...had a wonderful time! the children of the corn got so many great gifts! it even snowed on christmas eve...and it stuck! a good six inches! it felt like a BLIZZARD leaving mass on christmas eve!
january-more snow. seriously.
february-little mama turned five. great family party, first preschool party! gymnastics! had a great time! then, more snow. really. see pic below...got something like 16 inches of snow....global warming my patoot! then sweetpea turned one at the end of the month.
march-the boy started soccer for the first time! go coyotes! spring break came and went in a flash! sweetpea started to walk and talk (a bit for her age...."ba" (bottle), "whoa", "bubbles", "bite", "bobo")
april-whew! caught up! little mama is playing tball (go rangers). easter was crazy and wonderful...and if anyone needs any candy, i am your hook-up! now we are just waiting for school to let out, there are some wonderful things to come! oh, and little mama got accepted to st. pats for kindergarden next year! so we are just going along!
i will try to keep up better in the future....six months of catch-up in one post is just embarassing!
i know how hard it is to keep up with this blog thing- good to see you guys are doing well!
mary...you are SO much better than i am! and its not like you have LESS on your plate.
I am going to try to do better! Esp. since my brother REFUSES to join FB. its how he keeps up too!
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