Wednesday, March 2, 2011

the beginning of february.....

ok, feburary is always a very, very busy month at our house! this year even more so!

there was a big ice storm/a tiny bit of snow.....and we were pretty well iced in for the week of the superbowl. i am sure you remember. haha.

but then little mama's birthday falls right at the start of ferburary!

she had a "hannah montannah" themed birthday party at home with her extended family!

little mama also had a party for with her school, neighborhood and future spouses (haha!). she wanted to have a swimming party! the kids had a great time, and it was fun to swim while the ground was still covered in snow and ice!

little mama also had her first loose tooth...the day after she turned six! it fell out about a week later....she was soooo excited!

the 100th day of school was the same week! below you can see what little mama would choose to do if she had a hundred dollars. she is still totally obsessed with getting her own iphone. i don't know what i am going to do with the girl!

and then it was valentine's day! aside from the INSANITY of getting three kids ready for parties (20-25 valentines EACH, plus teacher gifts, plus food for each party....) the kids wanted to celebrate at home. so we had a candlelight dinner of pizza (heart-shaped!), strawberries, and cookie (also hear-shaped!) at home that night. little mama decided that eating in the dark was not much fun, but the boy really liked it!

i will finish february in the next post....give me about 10 minutes!

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